Call & Submision Guidelines

We invite submissions of research papers on all topics at the intersection of analogical reasoning and machine learning. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Machine learning for analogical reasoning:
– Representation learning;
– Advanced similarity measures;
– Transfer learning;
– Neuro-symbolic models for analogical inference.
Analogical reasoning for machine learning:
– Classification using analogical reasoning;
– Recommendation using analogical reasoning;
– Case-Based Reasoning;
– Creativity and data augmentation.
Analogies in Large Language Models (LLMs):
– Probing LLMs for analogies;
– Evaluating capacities of LLMs for analogies;
– Creativity in language through analogies;
– Analogies for science creativity.
– Analogical reasoning in Natural Language Processing;
– Analogical reasoning in healthcare;
– Analogies in software engineering;
– Analogies in knowledge management.

Format of the papers. Submitted papers must be formatted according to IJCAI-2024 guidelines. We welcome contributions in the form of extended abstracts (up to 2 pages + 1 page of references) and long papers (up to 12 pages + 2 pages of references). Submissions can constitute original (unpublished) work, work in progress, or mature work that has already been published at other research venues in the form of a survey paper. Previously published work may also be in the form of a position paper that overviews and cites a body of work. However, multiple submissions of the same paper to more IJCAI workshops are forbidden.
Formatting template:
(just copy the contents into your local Latex editor)
Submission website:

Review process. All papers will be thoroughly reviewed. Overlength papers will be rejected without review. The reviewing process will be double-blind.

Proceedings. All papers will appear in the pre-proceedings made available in the workshop webpage. Original contributions will be published in CEUR WS Proceedings. There will also be post-proceedings in Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, Springer.

Participation in the workshop. At least one author of each accepted paper must participate in the workshop and present the work in the form of an oral presentation. Information on the organization of IJCAI’2024 can be found on the conference website:

Important dates.
May 10, 2024: Paper submission deadline
May 14, 2024: *NEW*Paper submission deadline
June 4, 2024: Notification of paper acceptance
June 25, 2024: Camera-ready papers due
August 3-5, 2024: Workshop IARML@IJCAI 2024

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